We Deal in All Types Of Chinese And Japanese Truck Bus Parts.

Get the Right Part at the Right Price for the Comfort of Your Vehicle

Welcome to China Truck Bus Parts, the premier wholesaler of high-quality truck and bus parts. We specialize in Hino parts but sell parts for other major brands such as Isuzu, Nissan, Mazda, Daewoo, Dongfeng, Yutong, Faw, Higer, Sino, etc. At China Truck Bus Parts, we follow OEM standards to ensure our products’ highest quality and reliability. Our product is laboratory-tested and built to OEM standards, ensuring peak performance and longevity.

We offer a comprehensive range of interior parts for Hino vehicles, including lighting, mirrors, indicators, ventilation glass, and locks. Our cooling parts inventory includes radiator fans, side cooling plates, water pump assemblies, repair kits, radiators, blowers, hydraulic components, and air hose pipes. In addition, we offer a wide variety of rubber parts, including shock bushes, torque rod bushes, air cleaner boots, tie rod boots, gear lever boots, center rubber bearings, and more. Our mounting parts include engine, gear, Qadri, cabin, and radiator mounts, which ensure stability and longevity.

We provide clutch lever fingers and kits for clutch systems to ensure peak performance. Furthermore, our compressor parts collection includes air compressors, compressor kits, and compressor heads, ensuring efficient air compression in various applications. Trust China Truck Bus Parts for all your Hino and other truck and bus parts. With a dedication to quality, dependability, and customer satisfaction, we are your dependable partner in keeping your fleet running smoothly.